PG-13, 143 minutes
Starring: Daniel Craig, Javier Bardem, Judi Dench
4.5/ 5 Stars
I feel confident in saying that the latest installment to the fifty year old James Bond franchise will go down in history as one of the best. After being presumed dead on a mission, James Bond 007 (Craig) returns to save the British secret service organization MI6 from a cyber-terrorist named Silva (Bardem) who has a vendetta against MI6 head M (Dench.)
Now, I watched all of the James Bond films in order in preparation for Skyfall (James Bond is easily my favorite movie franchise) and I must say that this is not the best James Bond film, but it comes pretty close. Unlike 2006’s Casino Royale, this feels more like a classic, Connery/ Moore-esque 007 adventure than just a really smart action film. Film wise, Casino Royale is a better film in terms of depth and emotional heft, largely given in part by the chemistry between Craig and his then Bond Girl Eva Green, but Skyfall is a better Bond film with regards to more action scenes, more cheeky humor, and more seduction on Bond’s part. (And the return of the glorious Aston Martin is always an added bonus.)
Skyfall may not be the best Bond film ever, slightly behind the classic Goldfinger, but Skyfall is the best in two other categories: beauty and villains. The cinematography in this is outstanding with beautiful colors abounding across the screen and the tone is set by a wide range of muted to vibrant colors. This is the most gorgeous Bond I have ever seen. And now, the title for best James Bond villain goes to Javier Bardem. Though he doesn’t appear for the first hour of the movie, he instantly sent chills up my back. He is quirky, creepy, sinister, and some would argue, gay. (And I think it’s about time we get a gay bad ass in film.) Everything from his wardrobe, his walk, his voice, his bleach blonde hair, make Silva that much creepier and that all adds up with Bardem’s outstanding performance to make him the best Bond villain. Skyfall is superb.