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Your source for everything Monarch


Your source for everything Monarch


Your source for everything Monarch


Secret Satire

Secret Satire

James Sandberg March 11, 2025

Nowadays, it seems like so many news sources are becoming more and more negative. A team of students decided to offer a new option: a comedy newspaper covering satirical topics around Monarch—The Doanion....

Setting off the Truth

On Sept. 23, at the end of third period, a bang echoed through upstairs C-Hall. The alarming sound reached several math and history classes, where panic ensued. Many were left scared and confused without...

Fight or flight

Fight or flight

When the Rocky Mountain Metropolitan Airport (RMMA) opened its doors 62 years ago in 1960, it was merely a dot on the map between Boulder and Denver, surrounded by near-empty prairie. Fast-forward to today:...

Parting the blue sea

Parting the blue sea

There are 3.78 million people registered to vote in the state of Colorado. 1.13 million are registered Republicans. 1.1 million are registered Democrats. 1.51 million are unaffiliated. In 2020,...



Abbey Elalouf, Julia Abair, and Cameron Nicholson October 23, 2024

Cell phone spa, cell phone jail, cell phone parking lot. Students dread the moment teachers call for devices to be parked on the wall. While this year's cell phone policies may feel more extreme than...

Social studies teach Susan Eide-Stensrud teaches about the black plague. Students in her classroom were among others who suffered in high temperatures last week because of broken chillers in the HVAC system.


Clayre Woodruff September 19, 2024

Classes reached unbearable temperatures last week. For four days, the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system—better known as the HVAC—failed to function.  In social studies teacher Lindsay...

Michael Kugler acts as Planeview High School’s principal in Monarch’s newest sitcom. Film 2 has produced several episodes and showcases them on every other Friday.

Planely passionate

Ben Lehman April 30, 2024

A school is a pretty boring setting to most high school students, but in the eyes of a filmmaker, it’s a gold mine of opportunity. The students and teacher of the Video and Film 2 class decided to...

Swastikas were drawn into the woodchips of the playground at Lafayette Elementary School on April 1 by several students, according to Boulder Valley School District officials.

One person’s story

Zoey Perrine April 12, 2024

This is where you belong. Auschwitz. This is what Ruby Stein ‘26 was told by one of their peers on March 1 of this year. This is not a commentary on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This is not...

Bea Lighthiser ‘24 and Jack Bedard ‘25 pose for a picture with their hot lunches. The trays contain not only a main entree, but also many of the sides that the hot lunch offers. This food will soon be reviewed on @mohi_munchies.

Mohi munchin’

Ben Lehman April 1, 2024

It’s a Tuesday in the cafeteria during 2nd lunch, and Jack Bedard ‘25 and Bea Lighthiser ‘24 rush to get their hot lunch before the line arrives. Students surrounding them look at them expectantly,...

Greeting Greta

Maren Holecek March 30, 2024

If you’ve ever had a really bad day at school, then you know that the best part of that day can be going home to a good, long cuddle with your pet. But what if you didn’t have to wait until four o’clock...

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