Student Council Update
Monarch’s Halloween Club Mo moved to early November and talk of a Winter Ball emerges.
Monarch varsity football making the playoffs has affected more than just the fans and players. The Halloween Club Mo was canceled because Student Council anticipates that most people would be inclined to go to the game over the Club Mo. When football and Club Mos coincided in the past, there had been record low attendance, with most people choosing to watch football over dancing. The Club Mo has now been rescheduled to November 14th from nine to eleven and has been themed White Out.
The question of whether or not Student Council should host Winter Ball has also surfaced. Mr. Tolbert set up a poll on Schoology to ask the student body their opinion on whether they wanted a normal Winter Ball or nothing at all. Last year, there was unusually low attendance which led to Student Council losing money, so they are hesitant to continue to put on Winter Ball. As of November 6th, 291 students had voted to have a Winter Ball and 189 voted to have a Club Mo instead of a formal dance.
“Nothing is decided yet, but the votes are getting closer,” said Head Girl Savannah Magness. The final decision hasn’t been released, but by looking at the poll, it looks like Monarch will be having a Winter Ball.