Monarch’s Semiannual Blood Drive

Students Michael Kasten, Simone Foreman, Jacob Kennedy donate blood at the semiannual blood drive.

Students at Monarch found an interesting way to lose a couple pounds on Wednesday, March 2, at the school’s semi annual blood drive, held throughout the school day.

Thanks to legislation passed in 2009, anyone over the age of 16 had the opportunity to donate as long as they had a signed parent consent form present.

The whole process takes about one hour from start to finish. After filling out paperwork and a questionnaire, the students undergo a less extensive version of a physical, that included a quick blood test and taking blood pressure, and finally climb into a chair to have the blood drawn.

Often, the demand for blood exceeds the supply and causes a shortage of at least one type of blood, which is why blood drive locations often visit school and local businesses to encourage people to donate.

Many of the donors at the blood drive said it was their first time giving blood, such as junior Nick Kauza, “I’ve been wanting to donate blood for about a year and a half, I figured it a good way to give back and help out,” said Kauza, “In the end, I was glad I did it”.