The 13 Worst Things About the Holiday Season

My young cousin, Ryan Realejo, poses in reindeer ears at Christmas in 2010. The Christmas outfits begin before you can even walk!
13 is a satanic and annoying number, and so are these irritating things about the holiday season. I can guarantee you can relate to at least one of these pet peeves
1.The gingerbread houses that look so delicious and taste awful
All of the candy, and icing, and gingerbread looks soooo good when you are decorating the house. Then, you put it out to show and forget about it. A week or so later, you go to eat that beautiful house you created and it tastes absolutely horrendous.
2.So many tempting cookies everywhere
Christmas cookie parties, exchanges, and presents, oh my! There is always some kind of cooke hiding around the house at christmas time, and the temptation is unbearable. They are so delicious, yet so unhealthy. Sugar and frosting and sprinkles just add to the holiday weight
3.Having presents out under the tree and not being able to open them
Slowly, but surely the presents take their places under the tree. The size, shape, and sound of the present can clue you into what the present is, but only time will tell what you are truly receiving. The wait can feel like forever and ever.
4.The fact that it is winter, and thus it is cold
Ick snow, slush, rain, cold. I would so much rather have it be seventy and sunny on christmas so I could go on a nice walk or something not freeze to death.
5.How long decorating and then taking down the decorations takes. Why can’t they go up by themselves!?
Every year I decide that I want to have a really cool decorated house, and then once the actual process begins, I slowly waver off and decide I don’t have time for it.
6.Those people that are overly into the whole holiday thing.
Holiday sweaters for all of december? Really? Some people just take the whole holiday thing too far. Like ya, I’m holly and jolly too, but is it really necessary to wear light up sweaters as a daily outfit?
7.How expensive everything is before the holiday and all the sales afterwords on stuff you just bought
Pre-Christmas price: $20. Post-Christmas/major sale price: $5. All of the stores claim that they are having good sales for you to buy your presents, but really, they marked them all up, and then will mark them all down in the days following christmas.
8.Those few kids that get insane stuff and then brag about it for months after
“OMG my parents are so awesome, they got me a Porsche for Christmas!!” There are always those people that just get unfathomable presents, why would one’s parent buy that for you!?
9.How many people are traveling and the lines that you encounter at the airport
Those apps for wait times aren’t even worth anything because they are always wrong. Basically, you wait many hours in line at security, checking bags, and so on, no matter what. Delays are also common because winter weather is just so fabulous!
10.Too much family time (the limit varies based on your family and their annoyance level)
My threshold is pretty high because I have a very awesome family, but the limit does exist. A whole family in one house for a week, or a whole family waiting upstairs prior to opening presents, none of these go well after a while.
11.The same 5 songs that just repeat forever and ever
Rudolph, Jingle Bell Rock, Frosty the Snowman, Santa Baby, Feliz Navidad, Holly Jolly Christmas, Winter Wonderland, so on and so forth. They are ALWAYS playing and always repeating and repeating on every radio station. Basically, there are songs stuck in your head for a few months.
12.People who put out their christmas lights in October, and subsequently people who don’t take down their christmas lights until march
Actually though, do you know how much energy you are wasting?! Plus, those bright lights out the window at all times and the music consistently playing at the very fancy houses.
13.Random christmas cards from people you haven’t seen in forever.
“Happy holidays from the who-even-are-wes!” reads a card in your mailbox. You have to ask your mom who that person or family even is, and then you are unimpressed with their lives.