A Final Word on the Yearbook
A look back on the 2017-18 school year
Editor in Chief Emma Baziuk and managing editor Ellie Guanella celebrate yearbook distribution day with a smile.
We woke up early 172 times.
171 times too many.
Gosh- are they ever gonna change the schedule? Honestly.
We cheered on our football in the fall and threw flour in the air as the first whistle sounded.
Ugh- That stuff never came out.
The juniors and sophomores jammed to the latest tune on hits one while trying to escape the J-lot chaos.
“I wish somebody would have told me babe. Someday, these will be the good old days.”
We watched Beauty and The Beast in the winter.
I don’t even sound that good in the SHOWER!!!
We crammed for the PSAT and SAT, hoping our scores would be higher than on the math test we just took.
Well… stillllll hoping
The seniors held their breath until their acceptance letters arrived.
Fingers crossed…
Some other seniors counted down the days till they were considered part of “real world”
(And could eat as many Oreos at they wanted without being judged)
The freshmen looked back at their first year with joy… and lots of relief.
They survived the first year of high school, finally done standing in the way back at football games.
Our birks and flip flops came out from the backs of our closets, and our lattes were replaced with iced macchiatos.
We cried as our senior friends left to continue on their educational journey.
“Please come back!”
“I love you!”
The senior gauntlet left us in a buzz of excitement, the juniors anxious to finally leave J-lot.
We tried to remember what the heck cursive was when the yearbooks came out, getting our classmates and teachers to help us remember the 2017-2018 year.
Because, although we hated to admit it- we were gonna miss it here.
Welllll… the nightly reading for AP Euro… No thanks.
We hugged our friends and promised to hang out this summer.
And planned out the day trips we would take to the mountains with each other.
We smiled, we laughed, we cried, and we rejoiced. Another stellar year in the books.
We did so much this year from acing the AP World test to winning the state championships .
Yet, there was so much to come.
We were future authors, future senate members, future educators, future lawyers and bankers.
We were the future, whatever that may be.
We were more than a race, gender, ethnicity, teacher, student, grade,or test score, .
We were all of these and even more.
So, see ya’ later Monarch thanks for another great year and the future that came with it.
KKG • May 17, 2018 at 8:32 PM
This yearbook was beautiful for its look, its layout, and its content. I really loved the theme. Congratulations on all your hard work!
KKG • May 17, 2018 at 8:29 PM
This Yearbook was beautiful for its message, content, and layout. Congratulations!