Everyone across America relies on our political system to cast our votes correctly in able to make our voice matter. A vote discarded or incorrectly counted could have a large impact across the nation and could leave citizens questioning our election process. Across the country instances like this have taken place during the November 2012 election:
- Electronic voting machines in Pennsylvania selected Republican Mitt Romney when voters touched the screen for President Obama.
- Virginia described Obama as a Republican, voting officials had to reissue voters with paper ballots.
- Ohio electronic machines crashed
- In Virginia only had 6 voting machines for the 5,100 voters for the heavily Democratic county– voting polls kept open but only for those in line.
- Residents of Florida’s Pinellas County were incorrectly informed that voting times would last through Wednesday.
- In Cincinnati, Ohio people are being pressured to used provisional ballots instead of regular ballots (ones that may not be counted due to irregularities)
- Arizona identified wrong polling locations to Democratic voters.
- Many Colorado ballots could be rejected due to signature issues.